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God & Flow Logo
“Hey Siblings!*

I am grateful that you decided to learn more. God & Flow is about illuminating the presence of God in your everyday life. We will invite you to slow down, breathe easy, take inventory of your thoughts and body, then release. I pray that everyone that experiences God & Flow will know that they are loved, supported by their community, and in the presence of God as we flow through an array of sequences together. Each flow experience will be theme-based; anchoring on scripture, devotion, and vibrant music.


There is safety in the community and safety in the presence of God. 


Jessica (Jess) Mitchell is a daughter, sister, aunt, friend, colleague, and certified yoga teacher. She is passionate about her faith, moved by the Holy Spirit, and overjoyed when she sees others come to Christ. She’s motivated by her calling and looking forward to the future that God has for her. 


As a trained classical ballerina, Jess’s love for physical wellness started at a very young age. Post-injury, she went from the ballet studio to the center court and danced for collegiate and professional sporting teams. However, it wasn’t always glitter and sunshine. Jess’s own yoga journey began in 2013 after a rollercoaster acquaintance with depression and anxiety. Casually coming across a free class, she gave yoga a try and never looked back. Although yoga didn’t solve her depression and anxiety, it became her outlet of choice for stress release. There’s an indescribable beauty in connecting your mind, body, breath, and spirit into one dynamic flow-it’s basically choreography! Fast forward years later, as her relationship with God matured, she felt spiritually conflicted about continuing yoga. So she prayed. And in prayer, she wrestled with God, negotiated with God, agreed with God, and asked hard questions. Jess realized that she unknowingly misplaced her hope, trust, and expectations in something besides God ie, idolatry.


Troubled, she went back to prayer, leaned into her convictions, and asked more questions. In response was the birth of God & Flow. Remaining curious about the promise God placed in her heart, she began to prepare. She dove headfirst into studying dynamic movement, stretching techniques, yoga, and seeking an understanding of yoga’s theology, methodologies, and origin. Simultaneously, she grew steadfast in God. Her personal desire to go deeper with God, and fully understand the Gospel, became unmatched. She ultimately came to peace with yoga and continues to practice daily. But she is not a self-proclaimed “traditional” yogi. Jess is a child of God that happens to stretch, move, bend, and practice yoga in an unconventional way. “I bring my hands to the heart center and say “Thank You, God”. I inhale a scripture and exhale a negative thought. I meditate on what God says about me. I roll my eyes in a downward-facing dog because my hamstrings hurt-God didn’t call us to perfection. I pray during my flows-sometimes to get through them 😊. And I lay still in savasana listening for the instructive voice of the Holy Spirit before I go back to the demands of my life.” Through Jess’s personal journey, she has learned that God’s presence and power can be invited into anything as long as we make space for Him. And with God & Flow, we’re making unapologetic space for God’s Kingdom to come, and His will to be done, in the presence of His children, and for all to feel welcome.


A passionate advocate for living a life she loves, when Jess is away from her mat, she can be found exploring hot yoga studios, spending time with family and friends, and reimagining equitable hiring practices within the tech industry. Jessica is an ATLien-born in New Jersey but Atlanta is home. She graduated from Georgia State University with a degree in Economics from the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies in the Spring of 2016. Her idea of self-care is a devotional, candle, journal, and recent issue of Essence magazine. 


See you on your mat.



*I enjoy referring to my community as “siblings” since we are all God’s children.

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